Lets talk about vacations.
As a child, every single summer, we would take a family vacation for weeks at a time traveling all over the country (By the age of 16 I had been to every state but Alaska and Hawaii). Often times I would have a blast. More often than not though I would for the most part complain about the trip and how long we were gone because I was a teenager and that was part of my job description, to be a brat, and I was good at my job. (I would give anything to take one of those vacations right now!)
In my early 20's I took a lot of "vacations." Lots of road trips were taken to different places all over the state doing lots of things I don't want to post about because my mom and dad read this blog. That's all I'm going to say about that ;)
Then I got married, and got knocked up and a vacation was just something I got to dream about. Since Will came along in '07 we've taken a few weekend trips to water parks and such. Brandon took me on an extended birthday weekend trip for my 30th birthday this past summer. But we've never really taken a vacation like the vacations I had become accustomed to as a child. I do believe that we are going to remedy this in the upcoming summer. I'm hoping this summer we can take our first family vacation (thinking probably San Antonio and Austin for a week).
My dream vacation:
My dream vacation is a 14 day cruise to Hawaii and a 14 day cruise to Alaska back to back. Wouldn't that be awesome. I could take a month long vacation (with B of course!) and cross the last 2 states off my list. This is a bucket list thing for me.
It's funny how my mindset has changed though. I use to think of vacations as a time to relax, and maybe party a little bit. Or where could we go so that the kids have a good time but B and I aren't completely miserable.
Now when I think about vacations, I get excited about going to run or workout in a cool new place. I not only plan stuff for us to do, but I plan my runs or workouts for the trip before we leave (I am a total geek, but I completely embrace this!).
I came across an article in this months issue of Runners World magazine about 3 different cruise lines that offer 7 day cruises where you do a group run, or race in every port. There is an Alaskan cruise, and 2 different Caribbean cruises. Isn't that awesome? (feel free to roll your eyes at me, it's okay). I think I may have found a new dream vacation! Are you reading this B?!?!

This is a 7 day cruise that starts in San Juan and goes to St. Thomas (5k race), Tortola (5K hill run), Antigua (8mile run), Dominica (Trial run), and Barbados (5K race).
What's your dream vacation?
A week in the Hill Country. I'm easy to please. :-D
ReplyDeleteThat cruise sounds awesome!
Come to Austin!!!! I'd love to catch up with you and meet those precious babies and you can run Town Lake...very popular around here!