For some reason this week I've had a huge case of the munchies. I cannot seem to get enough food to satisfy me. I hate it when this happens because a lot of time it sets off a very bad eating cycle for me. When I do get the urge to snack more in between meals, I try to keep healthier snacks around to munch on: carrot and celery sticks w/hummus, apple slices w/all natural peanut butter, strawberry Greek yogurt w/cocoa dusted almonds are my 3 most favorite snacks (I have a borderline addiction to hummus and peanut butter, oh AND almond butter! me loves!!). I also always have a protein bar or something in my purse in case I'm out and about and the munchies strike (to keep me from running through the drive through or something).
I am not perfect, however, and do sometimes cave to the temptations of the unhealthier food options (usually chocolate laced). When this would happen a year ago, I would have felt horrible, thought I was a horrible person, and then would have really beat myself up over it. Then I realized that I needed to give myself a break. A BIG BREAK!! I'm human and 90% of the time I make very healthy eating choices, and I'm also extremely active, so I really need to chill out (I hate it).
The weekends are usually the worst for me. Being a teacher I have a very regimented schedule and it's easier to schedule out my meals and snacks and they are eaten at the same time everyday. When I'm home on the weekends it seems to be a free for all in the eating department. And the kitchen is so close that it's really easy for me to graze all day out of boredom. I also have a bad habit getting into the mindset that it's the weekend and I need to just enjoy it and I'll go back to healthy eating on Monday. That completely defeats the purpose.
I'm throwing all of this out there because I'm trying to make myself more accountable. I want to enjoy the food that I love but I don't want to just eat healthy 5 days a week and then it be a free for all. (I'm fearful that if I don't get it under control it's really going to become an issue when summer rolls around and I'm home all the time).
This weekend I'm going to try harder (should be easier since I've confessed my sins, and now I don't want to disappoint!) to stick to my healthy eating plan and not cave! I have a plan to make my breakfast, lunch, and snacks ahead of time like I do during the week so it'll be easier. I'll report back on Monday and let you know how it goes.
P.S. this is not about weight, but keeping up healthier eating habits!
disclaimer: I do still allow myself some kind of treat almost everyday, just a healthier treat: frozen yogurt, healthy no bake cookies, fruit with dark chocolate, etc.
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