Monday, April 25, 2011

Workouts for the week of 4/25 - 5/1

Monday -- 5 miles
edit 4/25 -- 5.2 miles outside; hot, humid, slow, had to take lots of water/walking breaks
Tuesday -- yoga
edit 4/26 -- took a rest day because I had to tackle laundry mountain
Wednesday -- 6 miles
edit 4/27 -- 6.3 miles
Thursday -- weights and 3 miles
edit 4/28 -- light weights (arms) and 2.7 miles on the treadmill
Friday -- off, traveling to Austin
edit 4/29 -- off
Saturday -- HELL RUN  (3.45 miles w/ 12 obstacles)
edit 4/30 -- 3.45 miles very very very hilly and off course trails and 12 obstacles; finish in 49 minutes
Sunday -- gonna try to run 3 or 4 miles when we get home from Austin
edit 5/1 -- off; didn't have any time to run due to traveling and family stuff I had to do when I got home

Total miles for the week: 17.6

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