Monday, February 7, 2011

Get your sweat on!!

Or was I just trying to put my awesome rack out there for everyone to see?!?!
MMM...maybe a little bit of both :)

4 mile dreadmill run got the sweat goin. Guess thats as much as I could ask for. Running on the treadmill is as much of a mental workout as it is a physical workout. Sometimes it's the worse kind of human torture and I think the government should look into instead of waterboarding. I know I would give you all the information you wanted if you made me run on the thing for an obscene amount of time. Right now I don't usually do more than 4 or 5 miles on it and I do everything I can just to grit my teeth and bear and get through it as fast as possible......ewww(thats what she said heehee) sorry, it wasn't until I proof read the last sentence that I got it. I'm a weirdo.

Anyways, most of the time when I run or even walk on the treadmill I have to do some kind of intervals stuff to make it more interesting and make the time go by faster. I don't usually follow any kind of plan but make it up before I get started or as I go and try to push myself with each interval and sometimes I'll throw some sprints in the mix just to shake things up a bit.
But I'll always prefer running outside over the treadmill, sometimes that just isn't an option though.

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