Friday, February 18, 2011

Runner's Guilt vs. Mommy Guilt

Whenever my first baby, Will, was born my whole world was flipped upside down (in a very good way). But I had to very quickly become accustomed to a brand new way of life. Every decision I made I always worried that I was making the wrong decision. I would second guess myself about everything: whether to keep nursing or switch to bottles, which diapers to use, which formula, should I keep swaddling him, the list could go on and on and on. This is called Mommy guilt. If you don't get it under control quickly, it can consume you. Even when Ella came along, and I thought I was an old pro at this baby stuff, the Mommy guilt was still there, and this time it was worse. Now I was worried I was making the wrong choices for 2 other lives not just one. At some point I do believe B actually told me I needed to chill out (gasp, the horror! now I know why my mom use to get so mad when we told her to calm down, or as my dad would say "calmy downy"). I believe that Mommy guilt is something that I will always have to contend with, but eventually I had to realize that I was doing the very best that I could (I actually did need to chill out), I wasn't always going to make the right decisions, but so goes life.
When I became a runner (runner? jogger? whats the difference really?) I began to feel a similar feeling that I came to know as Runner's Guilt. This is when you have your training plan all set out, a mileage goal that you want to reach, and then this thing called Life gets in the way and you miss a run or two, and feel guilty about it. Now, this may just be me. Other runners may not feel this way and just skip a run and not feel one bit sorry about it. I'm crazy though, and in my crazy mind this all makes perfect sense. Now, when I first started running, the guilt hit me HARD. If I missed a run I would be devastated and think that all of my training and hard work had gone to crap. Pretty irrational, I'll admit. Eventually, just like with "Mommy guilt" I had to, dare I say it, CHILL OUT! One missed run was not going to be the end of me. Sometimes I just have to give myself a break. I am, however, my toughest critic.
I promise, I have a point:
So last night I had 3 miles on the plan. Got home from a birthday dinner for my mom. The plan was to put the kids in bed and then run. But then my princess wanted me to rock her, and keep rocking her, and keep rocking her. Well folks, I'll be the first to admit, that rocking my sweet girl is going to beat running
Mommy guilt trumps runners guilt

They are only little once!
When I see this princess:
I still see this little baby:

And my big boy:
Will always be this chubby cheeked baby:
the sleeping princeBrother and sister love

1 comment:

  1. I still see them as the cutie pie babies they were too. It was just the other day, right!?!
